Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wii are getting fit

Rob has made it pretty clear that he does not want to hear any more about the Wii fit. I received it three days ago, and have been in love ever since. To that end, I will try to capture my working out with it here, so that I can drone on and on about how much I love it.

The first day was a was because I was drinking and fooling around while playing. Disaster and ended with a stubbed toe.

On the second day, I did 30 minutes and was very proud--especially because 30 times zero is what I had been doing. It was fun. While it was a little bummer to see how pathetic and unathletic, coordinated and balanced I am minute by minute, it was fun to rotate through the selection of sports and activities in an attempt to find something that I could place in. My poor little mii just shook its head in defeat until I came across the hula hoop game--which I am pleased to say, I earned three stars at and (wait for it....) even caught all of the hoops from my boy-fan club. Holla!!!

On the third day, I decided to get a female trainer and do some yoga. I amped up my time to 60 minutes and although I wished I could have set it to let me play for 30 minutes instead of minute by minute, I lived to try several games and find a few more activities that I am not horrible at--which was gratifying. All in all, it will be fun to see how many consecutive days I can do this for, and if it helps me improve my athleticism, balance and posture. Not expecting any weight loss (it is a video game for God's sake), but it is a good way to get moving. However, I did see a man who blogged about his experience and lost weight over seven weeks, prior to his wedding in Japan. Not sure that's totally do-able--but cool for him.

Kudos to the design engineers who created it. What a fun toy.