Thursday, September 11, 2008

Death of a laptop

Well, I planned to write about everyday of First Grade, but my computer died and that just didn't work out! This is the almost end of the second week and things seem to be going well. The kids have gotten into the groove of going to school all day long and even managed to have the energy to attend a week-day ice skating birthday party. Everyone had fun and stayed happy. Amazing.

Of course, there was a little drama when we realized that the skates from last year did not fit, and we ended up having to run to Dick's Sporting Goods late at night. Thank the Lord, one of my friends was there with her daughter too. It woudl have been a moment of mom-grief had I not seen her there!!!

We've been reading our books every night and B's reading is getting better and better. Right now we're reading Junie B. Jones' Smelly, Stinky Bus. That Junie is a character!

For fun, we also microwaved a bar of Ivory soap. The teacher sent it home last week as an extra assignment. We popped that bugger in the microwave and watched it expand! It was so fun! It got massive, just like a football---we were both in awe! Can I just tel you that my favorite thing about B's teacher is that she uses YOUTUBE as a teaching tool? Today, in the car on the way home, B told me she used YOUTUBE to explain what a meterologist is and how the weather is forcasted and reported!


First grade has gone high speed.

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