Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reporting and Interviewing

Well, today I received the bad news that once again, I had been rejected. Although Senator K received Norm Coleman's tickets, she did a lottery and I did not recieve any tickets. Bummer. Bummer. Bummer.

Although I have not gotten tickets, I am at least grateful that her office has kept me up to speed on what has happened and let me know I was not on a random makr-beleive list waiting for Santa to bring my tickets. I simply cannot say the same for Keith, and as such, am pretty much totally finished with him--although the Dusty guy from his office is nice.

On the upside, I received a call from Nancy Marshall-Genzer, today. She is a NPR Biography Assistant Producer in the Newscast Unit. She is going to interview me tomorrow on NPR! I am going to talk about going to the Young People's Ball and how Clinton and Gore did not come until after we left. What a major let down!!! Anyway, I am very excited to be interviewed--and at this point it is the only fun thing that's happened to me since I voted (except for my fun party).

It should be fun! I am looking forward to going to St. Paul!

After I found all of this out, wouldn't you know that I see Bobby's teacher and she asks us to come to class and give a report of what happened? Cool. We will have to see.

I was thinking about getting a Flip Minio like Tara has to take some mini movies of our activities, and let Bobby take some too--not sure if Steve still has a discount or not....if so it seems like it might be fun to do--just to upload my experience and also do some mini interviews with Bobby while we are there. He can be a little Anderson Cooper--especially since we have been learning so much about the City and its history.

More to come. Wish me luck tomorrow.

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