Monday, January 5, 2009

Time for A Contest Entry

I am so excited that we are entering a New Year. Although it does not seem real, it is really exciting. I am excited to see what the Obama kids do in the White House, and how a new President might make our nation respected once more. I have enjoyed 10 years in a fun, meaningful marriage, and best of all have a good Spaniel (Trooper) and a great son.

I am happy for the Blessings I have in my life, and am not taking a single solitary one for granted. To that end, I am REALLY excited to see my dear friend and college roommate. We're going to DC to visit her, her baby, mom and hubby. I think I am going to buy baby Sadie a tutu. In looking up mommy blogs, I found this cool web site: hannah's tutus. Check these out: aren't they adorable? I think it is always nice to bring someone something they might not buy for themselves. I also think these tutus will be perfect for my friend's little girl Sofia. She is a girly princess and will wear it everyday--to school, the grocery store, her play name it. This is a must-have present for her.

Anyways, my brother was listening to WTOP News and heard that the Inaugural Committee is hosting an essay contest--you have to tell the Campaign what the inauguration means to you. I am so excited to start the year off visiting Washington, D.C. and also connecting with my friends. It will be so special for our families to watch the Swearing In together, even if it is just on TV (huge bummer for ex-Clinton-Gore workers and transition team members). However, we have experienced so many things together--she came to see me after 9/11, before the baby was born; I came to see her run the ING NYC Marathon; we were in each other's weddings.....the list goes on.

Anyway, I am pasting a version of what I wrote, as I think it is a nice summary of who I am and what I believe. I always tell people, you are the sum of your parts. Every experience you have makes you who you are. Well, here I am:

Essay Question: What does this inauguration mean to me?
This January, I plan to visit Washington, D. C., with my 7-year old son, Bobby. Together we are planning to attend the Inauguration of President-elect Barak Obama. In our home we read stories, visit museums and spend a lot of time volunteering. As a parent, I try to teach Bobby that by learning about the past, we are investing in our future. I do this because it is something my mother did for me.

My mother grew up on a farm that was a Civil War battlefield during the Battle of Bull Run. She later attended segregated schools and an integrated college. A librarian by trade, my mom took our family on vacations that taught us how America’s history laid the foundation for its future. We spent many summers in the family car driving from Boston Harbor to Roanoke, learning about our nation’s history. Memories of those vacations helped shape my view of the world as a child and become an adult who votes, volunteers and believes our country can always amaze America and the world.

Obama’s inauguration is very meaningful to me—as a black mother and as a student of American history, I feel privileged to witness how far our country has come. In one Presidential election, we have taken strides toward moving beyond the missteps of the past. In addition to teaching my son about our great nation, I want him to witness history for himself. Winning the tickets to attend the Inauguration, would afford me the opportunity to do that.

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